Planning to visit the Fall Atlanta Home Show? Here are some tips to help you make the most of your day:
1) Wear comfortable shoes
The Atlanta Home Show includes hundreds of home improvement experts, so plan on doing a good bit of walking. There are seating areas inside and outside the exhibit hall so visitors can take a break if they want to.
2) Give yourself plenty of time
Visitors are encouraged to talk to the experts, touch and see products demonstrated, ask questions, take pictures and make appointments. Each day features entertaining and informative speakers, live radio broadcasts and contests, so you won’t want to rush!
3) Bring your home improvement plans, photos, cell phones and ideas
The home improvement experts are at the Show to answer your questions and offer advice. Plus, there are products and design ideas you might want to photograph to see if they will work in your home. Many exhibitors offer special discounts if you make an appointment at the Show for an expert to come to your home later. Others offer reduced product and service costs for Show attendees, so be sure to ask.
4) Comparison shop!
Nowhere else in Georgia will you find such a large gathering of home improvement products, services, professionals and more than at the Atlanta Home Show. Whether you are in the market for outdoor living spaces, a kitchen or bathroom, exterior siding, interior painting, home décor, etc. you can talk one-on-one with several exhibitors in your interest area to compare products, availability and costs.
5) Check out the speaker schedule at the PMCPros Home Show Stage
A hallmark of the Atlanta Home Show is its roster of expert speakers. From nationally-known HGTV and DIY Network stars to local experts, there are speakers and topics to suit a variety of interests. Have a seat and enjoy the program. Most speakers take questions from the audience and also stick around after their presentation so they can speak one-on-one and answer questions.

6) Answers to frequently-asked questions:
• Onsite parking is available. It costs $5 per day, payable by credit card only.
• There are food and beverage concessions available inside the exhibit hall as well as in Galleria Centre.
• There are products available for purchase at the Show. Most are small enough to be carried with you, but you’ll need to make arrangements with the exhibitors for larger items.
• You may go in and out of the exhibit hall on the day of your visit, but be sure to get your hand stamped when you leave for return admission.
• Children are welcome, but please keep them with you at all times.